In a crafty mood...

Today I woke up feeling pretty crafty. Which isn't unusual, except I was looking for a quick craft. One that wouldn't take me a week, like a certain embroidered picture that's staring me down.

So after catching up on a few blogs I headed on over to Make it and Love it  and found a great tutorial on how to make headbands from old t-shirts! Going through 4 years of college and having a husband who is in the Navy, I have accumulated quite a number of t-shirts that are doing nothing more than taking up drawer space. So this was wonderful!

 This was my first attempt...
 Not too bad, but I have plenty more t-shirts and lots of color options to practice with.

It was pretty easy, I was talking on the phone with my wonderful mother while weaving/braiding it.  So those old t-shirts! You can even make them for kids or babies. They're super soft and stretchy. 

Hope everyone is having a great day!

God Bless!


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