Chasing pink balloons
Yesterday was a pretty productive day I do believe. I finished reading a really great book,
Sweetwater Gap by Denise Hunter.
It is part of a Women of Faith collection, I can't wait to get my hands on more of them. Great book, especially since I only paid $4 for it from Amazon (with free shipping might I add). What can I say, I was raised not to pay full price for anything haha.
I did get some embroidering done. I'm still trying to figure out who's Christmas gift it's going to be. I'd love to keep it for myself, but I don't have anywhere to put it. I'm going to find an old picture frame to put it in. The picture is hard to see, but I was too lazy to get up and iron it.
The weather here has been great! Yesterday it only got up to 78 and its looking to be about the same for today! It's still in the 60's this morning, so I opened up some windows to get some fresh air in here. It would be better if there wasn't construction going on, but I'm getting used to that now. It makes up for not having a train drive by every hour like at our last place. We took Taylor to the park yesterday, hoping to let her run around on the tennis courts to file her toenails down. But of course everyone else was out enjoying the weather too. Maybe we'll try again this weekend.
Here is a little something I made earlier this week. A Henny Penny and 4 little chicks.
This was the only fabric/material I had at the time. Mainly leftovers from baby stuff I had made for Erin and Kimber.
Front view, she kind of looks like shes about to flog you.
And 2 of the 4 baby chicks. They have velcro on both sides so you can switch which side of the Hen you want them on.
One last picture, a pink headband I made with a rolled flower bobby pin.
I've gotta go do some cleaning so Russell won't want to wake up tomorrow at 7 AM to clean house. He's a funny one, but I love him =)
PS. The title is Chasing Pink Balloons because I looked out the window and there was a man in a suit chasing after pink balloons he had cut loose and forgot to hold onto. Silly men.
Have a great weekend!!!!
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