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T- 2 weeks! (ok, not anymore)

 2 weeks  4 days to go until Baby girl's due date!!  It's unbelievable how fast time has gone! I'm still trying to make sure we have everything we need (of course babies don't need much, but somethings make life easier). I know we do have everything, its just getting it all set up and ready to go. Kind of like this post. I've been working on it for over 2 weeks now slowly adding pictures and what not. Now we are literally just sitting around waiting for baby girl to make her debut. Waiting is the hard part.  We had a wonderful baby shower, hosted by some lovely ladies from our church about a month ago. They did such a great job decorating and with all the yummy food! It is such a blessing to have a great church family. We got lots of goodies, clothes, handmade blankets, books, and more. I kept telling Lydia that we were going to the baby shower at church, and she said "Mommy, when are we going to give the baby a bath?"  haha, so cute.  diape...

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